Yes, just like that, a room dedicated to cooperation that represents a specific project within the general framework of co-housing in Piazzola. Totally new project that we shared with 6 other sister groups in similar real estate re-qualification projects, and besides Piazzola di Rabbi other similar rooms will be opened also in Sporminore in the valley of Val di Non, Strembo in the valley of Val Rendena, Lizzana in the valley of Vallagarina, in Marter in the valley of Valsugana, in Varena in the valley of Val di Fiemme, in Cavedine in the valley of Valle dei Laghi. They will become a reference point for the community, unique in their distinctive look, consistent and recognizable, and in the remarkable projects of cooperative education and training they will offer. They are not anonymous containers but privileged places where you can breathe our cooperative soul, where our memory enhances the sense of belonging and identity to build the present and the future of our communities. And how could we ever succeed in designing our future without engaging the youth? Those same young people that everyone talks about but which have the right to be the real protagionists by accepting real challenges that can show their true value. The cooperative movement boasts a large number of young people involved in the many projects and it was natural make them become part of this project through their Association: our thanks to the board and the chairman, Elena Cetto, for their enthusiasm and sense of responsibility, to the cooperative "The Hub" of Rovereto with their Chairman Paul Campagnano for the design and preparation of the competition aimed at finding the best design, a call open to designers, architects and artists under 35. As many as 39 projects were submitted, also from outside our region, and the evaluation of the jury praised the proposal of two young architects from Trentino, David Consolati and Paolo Guidotti, whose project was entitled "Cooperare libera(la)mente", a word game saying "cooperation frees your mind". Their project was judged the best for both the originality and the quality of their architecture. Personally, I also have to recognize their ability in involving us in the preparation of the room, making quite extreme and very innovative choices that required from us a pure act of faith in their competence: our confidence was absolutely well placed. They even managed to harmonize in their proposal two historical elements: a tiled stove from the 1930s recovered from the old building and rebuilt by Carlo Antonioni and a chest from the end of the 19th century, restored by the social cooperative GSH.
A photography course directed to the community in the Valli di Rabbi e Sole, through which photography enthusiasts have been able to improve their technique and capture with their sensitivity many cooperation moments in our area. The works were then illustrated and described during an exhibition that has become itinerant and some of these works are on display in the Cooperation Room.
Cooperation Room
Cooperation Room